Thursday, April 3, 2014

It’s been sometime since I've updated this blog; I’ve been working in the industry at Hi-Rez studios for many years now.

A lot of that time has been spent working on getting Smite to where it is now visually, and doing contract work for indie developer’s in my off hours. That’s left me with little time to work on my own projects and flesh out my own idea’s, and it’s meant that a lot of my work is tied up in NDA’s until their associated products are released.

It’s also meant that I haven’t really created that much which I’ve had full artistic vision over from start to finish. And I’d like to change that.

So from here on out, I’ll be keeping a written and visual record of what I’m working on personally, so that I can hold myself to a higher level of accountability. I’m also going to be removing a bunch of my old posts and work since they’re student efforts from 4+ years ago.

More to come shortly,


Jake Osbos said...
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Jake Osbos said...

Hey I'm graduating with a degree in computer games design in two weeks, if you had any advice for new graduates what would it be. Also I've been playing smite since mid 2012 and love the work you guys have put into it. I have actually designed some alternative skins for characters, i just haven't had the time to create them.
Jake Osbaldeston Smite IGN Ozboz